Colorful light bulb on black background with the title "About  Us". Photo by Alessandro Bianchi on Unsplash


Photo by Alessandro Bianchi on Unsplash

Our History

The Lighter is a student organization and publication that has been around for over sixty years. Originally, The Lighter was a satirical literary magazine within the English department at Valparaiso University. However, over the years it has expanded into a literary and arts magazine, showcasing all kinds of artistic talent from written pieces to photography to physical art mediums.

We have a rich history at the University and continue to promote the arts at Valpo. You can browse our archived publications all the from 1958 to present day to see how we have grown and adapted over the years.

Current Staff


Meagan Koutsopanagos

Allison DeMik

Assistant Editors

Jay Bradley

Jackie O’Hara

Graphic Designer

Shehna Zaman

Social Media Managers

Alyssa Brazzell

Mya Amelse

Join The Lighter

Black Dotted Line

How do I join Selection Committee?

The Selection Committee is a group of students that anonymously votes on each piece. If you are interested in joining The Lighter’s Selection Committee, you can email or reach out to any member of The Lighter’s executive board. There are two groups of Selection Committee that are held on different days and on alternating week. This allows for you to submit a piece and vote on Selection Committee without having to participate in the review of your own piece.

How do I join the E-board?

E-board applications open in late spring each year, with available positions varying year to year. By the start of each fall semester, the E-board is set, but anyone is welcome to join Selection Committee at any time in the year.

Currently, the 24-25 staff is looking for a graphic designer. To apply, fill out the application here.