Colorful lightbulb on black background with the words"Submit Here" Photo by Alessandro Bianchi on Unsplash


Photo by Alessandro Bianchi on Unsplash

Submission Rules

All current Valpo students are allowed submit up to 4 pieces of any form of art (poetry, prose, screen and playwriting, creative nonfiction, photography, fine art, graphic design, etc.)

This could be a combination of 2 photos, 1 poem, and 1 short story, or it could be 4 paintings, etc. Please fill out the form separately for each upload.

Title your work. Submit every piece as a separate file with the title saved as “Title_Medium.” Don’t include your name in the file title.

Still Have Questions?

Who decides which pieces get in?

A group of students called the Selection Committee reviews each submission anonymously. Votes are casted individually with the option to accept, reject, or abstain from voting on each piece. If votes are tied, the decision is made by The Lighter’s Editor-in-Chief.

How do I submit to The Lighter?

You can submit you work through a Google form on this page, which is only accessible to Valpo students through their email. Keep in mind you can submit the form up to four separate times. The submission form will open near the beginning of each semester and will close towards mid-semester. If you are having any trouble submitting your pieces, please email us at

Do I still get to keep the rights to my work if it gets into The Lighter?

You are completely entitled to the rights to your piece, even when it is published in The Lighter. The Lighter does not obtain copyright to any past, present, or future submissions published. However, in submitting your piece, you agree to allow us to post your piece on our website or social media with attribution for promotional purposes.